Influencer Marketing and management​

Influencer Marketing is the process of identifying, researching, engaging and supporting the people who create the conversation impacting your brand, products or services.Service

Micro influencer
Macro influencer
Nano influencer
Influencer Management

Analyze a product or serviceProcess And target customers

How to analyze? Analyze what form our products or services are. What are our customers who really like? What is popular? Who follow?

Choose the right influencer

Choosing an influencer is not just anyone. Don’t choose just because other people chose each other, or just that person has a lot of followers. Must see if the majority of the people following influencers are clients or can be our customers.

Choose media that are suitable for products or services and suitable for influencers.

Let’s say the Influencer we choose is a blogger that only installs video. Our video content can Use this blogger because if we use a slide Those following him may feel that this post is not the identity of this blogger. Feel like advertising, etc.